Dear users of iNumber Games,

We greatly appreciate your interests in using our system and your support to our research and development that aims to provide 21st century education to all learners with fun, affordable, and effective technologies and products.

iNumber Games are programed in part with several third party software frameworks designed for iPad and iPhones. There might be occasions of system lag and incompatibility that are often hidden within the respective framework and are beyond our programming control or are hard to reproduce in programming environment. We are working hard to eliminate the known issues when possible. You are welcome to report any bugs that you have observed by emailing us at

Known Issues:

1. App Update Issue: We have observed that Apple's App store will inject their codes into our binaries at undisclosed places. Due to this code-injection, a bug is introduced when you update the game. The behavior can be quite random from versions to versions. The most recent report shows that the math question won't change. This can be fixed by first removing (uninstalling) your game from your device completely and then reinstalling it fresh from App store. Before removing your game, make sure you log in with your account and stay on the main menu for some minutes so that your scores can be stored on the server and retrieved when you launch the new version after a fresh installation.

Thank you again for using iNumber Games. Have a fun and productive play time for learning.